The Language Connection, LLC
(425) 277 - 9045

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Mon, Oct 21, 2024 08:36:00 PM (PST)

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Expanding Language Services Support:

TLC Services

Expert Language Connection, LLC Referral Services

The Language Connection, LLC provides comprehensive referral and billing services for your carefully screened language access providers (interpreters, translators, localization experts, and cultural consultation specialists) representing languages and dialects throughout the world, and clients across the nation. The Language Connection, LLC is, in a colloquial sense, an interpreter services and translation agency.

The Language Connection, LLC is a trusted resource for a large number of hospitals, courtrooms, and clinics that strive to fulfill their civil duty of assuring meaningful access to client services to individuals with limited English proficiency (LEP clients). Private and public entities alike rely on The Language Connection, LLC’s integrity and flexibility to find the linguist that they need to serve their company’s foreign language and ASL interpreter needs.